3600 Lorraine Drive • Walworth, NY 14568
Telephone: (315) 986-1400
Town Hall: 3600 Lorraine Dr. Walworth, NY 14568
 (315) 986-1400

The Dog Park at Sherburne Park

All owners must register their dog/s with The Town of Walworth Recreation Department in order to use The Dog Park at Sherburne Park.

  • Dogs can be registered during normal business hours (M-F 8:00am-4:00pm) at the Town of Walworth Recreation Department (3600 Lorraine Drive, Walworth NY).

RESIDENTS - To register your dog/s, you will need to bring:

  1. Copy of your current, up-to-date Town of Walworth Dog Registration paperwork
    • If you do not have a copy of your paperwork the Town Clerk can provide one for you

NON-RESIDENTS - To register your dog/s, you will need to bring:

  1. Copy of your dog’s License (from the Town you reside in) with current address
  2. Copy of your dog’s Rabies Certificate (from the Vet or Clinic)
    • The Town will keep copies of on file (documents, not tags)
    • If you do not have copies of your documents we can make copies for you at the office
  • There is a $25.00 per residence fee to obtain a pass for the The Dog Park at Sherburne Park. This pass is valid for the current season ONLY (April 1st-November 30th).
  • Full payment (in the form of CASH or CHECK ONLY) is due at the time of registration.

To register a dog/s, all owners must on-site:

  1. Complete a Sherburne Road Dog Park Permit Application
  2. Sign an Acknowledgment, Agreement, and Release Form

Register Your Dog

The Dog Park at Sherburne Park Registration & Informational Packet
Dog parks benefit both dog owners and non-owners alike by: 
• Providing a legal recreational outlet for dog owners who want to exercise and socialize their dogs in a safe, leash-free environment. 
• Preventing unwanted encounters between unleashed dogs and other park users. • Allowing people with limited mobility to exercise their dogs in as safe, accessible place. 
• Bringing people together to promote a greater sense of community.

How do I register my dog to use The Dog Park at Sherburne Park?

All owners must register their dogs with the Town of Walworth Recreation Department. Dogs can be registered during normal business hours: M – F 8:00am – 4:00pm at 3600 Lorraine Drive, Walworth NY 14568. You will need a current copy of your dog(s) license with current address, a copy of current Rabies Certificate, completed permit, and a signed Acknowledgment, Agreement, and Release form. Permit and Acknowledgment, Agreement, and Release forms are available only where you register. There is a $25 per residence that can be paid via cash or check.

Does my registration and permit expire?

Dog Park registration tags and permits expire December 31st. You will need to register your dog(s) each year to receive your new registration tag and permit.

Why does my dog need to be registered?

By requiring dogs to need a registration tag and permit, we are able to ensure that all dogs are licensed and have been vaccinated for rabies.

What vaccines does my dog need?

The only vaccine required by New York State Law is the Rabies Vaccine. However, you may wish to discuss the following with your veterinarian before bringing your dog to a dog park: DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, Parvo) Vaccine; Leptospirosis Vaccine; Kennel Cough (Bordetella) Vaccine; Flea and Tick prevention; and Heartworm prevention.

How many dogs can I register?

You may register all dogs licensed to you at your current address. The registration fee must be paid for each dog.

Can I transfer my dog’s registration tag?


What if I lose my tag?

Replacement tags are available at the Town of Walworth Recreation Department: 3600 Lorraine Drive, Walworth NY 14568 during normal business hours. M – F 8:00am – 4:00pm. The fee to replace a tag is $5. You must bring a copy of your current dog park permit.

What are the hours of the Dog Park?

The Dog Park is open 7am til DUSK. There are no lights at the Dog Park. The Dog Park may close without notice for maintenance and/or repairs.

How do I enter/exit the Dog Park?

The Dog Park is neutral ground for most dogs and to keep it this way, never bring your dog into the off-leash area while on a leash. The double gated system allows you to enter a safe area at which time you can unleash your dog prior to entering the off-leash area. Once in the park, move away from the gate so that other dogs aren’t intimidated at the entrance. When you are done in the off-leash area, bring your dog into the double gated area before re-leashing your dog. Always be sure to secure the gate behind you and check to make sure all gates are secure before bringing your dog into the double gated area to leash or unleash.

When is the dog fountain open?

The water fountains will be closed from late fall to early spring to prevent the water lines from freezing. Please plan on bringing your own water during this time period.

Why can’t my large dog play in the small dog area?

This is strictly a safety issue. While some large dogs may be slow and gentle, toy breeds in particular can easily be harmed. The dog park needs to be safe for dogs of all sizes.

Why can’t I bring children under 10 years old into the Dog Park?

The dog park is for dogs and owners. Small children take attention away from your dog, and children aren’t always a good mix with fast moving large dogs or little scrappy dogs. It is important for owners to concentrate on their dog(s) and make the dog parks as safe as possible for everyone.

Why can’t I bring food or dog treats into the Dog Park?

Food is one of the most common aggressive triggers with dogs. While there may be no intention of dropping a piece of doughnut or sandwich, crumbs can easily lead to acts of aggression.

Why can’t I leave my dog’s prong, pinch, spiked, or choke collar on?

These collars are very easy for other dogs to get tangled in while playing. For the dog’s safety it is important to take these collars off before entering the dog park.

Why can’t I bring my puppy to the Dog Park?

Puppies under six (6) months of age are not permitted in the dog park for two primary reasons. The first is that their play may offend older or more aggressive dogs. Puppies under six (6) months also are not old enough to have their full series of puppy vaccinations. If you are looking to socialize your puppy in a safe setting please look for puppy classes or puppy daycare.

What if my dog(s) uses the park without a permit and registration tag?

Owners who allow their dogs to enter the dog park without having the proper registration tag and permit are in violation of the Dog Park rules and subject to immediate removal and forfeiture of future use of the space.

What if I only live in New York for part of the year?

According to New York State Law any dog residing in NY for more than 30 days must be licensed in the city, town, or village they are residing. Please see www.agmkt.state.ny.us/AI/Doglic.html or call your local license office for more information.

How do I prevent a dog fight?

The best prevention is to never let your dog leave your sight. If you notice a dog becoming aggressive, remove your dog promptly from the park. If your dog becomes aggressive or begins playing too rough, take your dog out of the park to cool down. As always, if a situation becomes dangerous, call 911.

What do I do if there is a dog fight?

Remain calm. Loud yelling, screaming, and/or quick movements can unintentionally increase arousal. Never get in between two dogs fighting or you can risk injury to yourself. Many experts suggest diverting the dogs with a loud noise such as an air horn or a blast of water from a sports bottle. There will be many scuffles as dogs will be dogs. Dog fights are rare in dog parks, but the potential is there. Please talk with your veterinarian if you have concerns about breaking-up a dog fight involving your dog. If your dog is involved in a dog fight, exchange information with the other owner. Be sure to include your name, phone numbers, and vaccination records. If your dog is not involved in the fight, remove your dog from the off-leash area. As a courtesy, you should remain nearby until the situation is under control and make sure everyone (dogs and people) are all okay. If any of the dogs involved in the incident are clearly aggressive or dangerous, call 911.